Monday, October 29, 2012

My Halloween Costume: Loofah!

This past weekend my friends and I dressed up as loofahs to hit the town for Halloween.  We followed the instructions posted by Razmataz, except added quite a few safety pins to spread out and fluff the netting up a little more.  This is a no sew costume that is quick and easy to make.  I also added a toiletry bag as a purse, and threw in a Bud Light for good measure.

We were concerned, being that we were down at the University of Illinois, that the combination of Homecoming and Halloween would cause the bars to be super crowded.  We were wrong, got to the bars obnoxiously early, and were the only ones in costume when we arrived.  What to do?  Put some Spice Girls and Gangnam Style on the jukebox and take over the dance floor.  I really mean "take over" because there wasn't much space for other people to dance with all that tulle in the way, although a few were brave enough to jump in the middle and get a scrub down.  

What are you dressing up as for Halloween?  Will any of you be rocking your costumes in the office on Wednesday?