Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Paint Twister

So, depending on your level of internet addiction, you've probably seen this image floating around:

Paint Twister
I was like, "Paint? Twister? Where do I sign up?!"

I showed the picture to one of my friends, he showed it to his mom, and it was all downhill from there.  We bought some washable paints ($1.06 on sale at Michael's.  I remember exactly how much the bottle of paint was because the cashier rang up each separately in order to give me the best discount), threw on some old clothes, and poured a healthy dose of paint on each circle.  



Unfortunately it turns out I'm pretty bad at Paint Twister so I got out early each round.  On the bright side, that gave me plenty of time to take pictures.  

Next time, we're definitely doing this outdoors during the summer ;)

Paint Twister