Thursday, February 28, 2013

Ensemble: Emerald + Dots

I love my new neighborhood.  It's right in the middle of everything, yet my street is so quiet it could be in a small town.  I think my favorite part is that there's a park a block away in either direction.  My boyfriend for some reason thinks we don't belong in the parks since we don't have a dog or a baby (which are very abundant here), so I suggested we get an empty stroller to push around and just tell people the baby is asleep.  Which, frankly, is a lot creepier than just hanging out in the park sans [fur]baby.  

 Sweater - F21 (similar here) / Blouse - NY&Co (similar here) / Jeans - Gap / Boots - Enzo Angiolini / Bracelets - Target and ASOS / Watch - Michael Kors

On a sidebar, I (temporarily) lost the charger for my fancy camera when I moved, so I have a couple sets of pictures on my old camera - whoops!  Don't worry you guys, I found it, along with my tax forms.  Haven't found my leather waterproofing spray though, which would really come in handy with all of the snow we've been getting...

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