It's been starting to warm up a little, which has given me a false sense that I can leave the house sans hat and gloves. No, no it isn't warm enough for that. I thought I'd crochet something new to keep my ears warm since I keep misplacing all of my hats and earwarmers. I have no idea where they keep running off to. On a semi-related side story, in college I made my brother a hat and he ended up forgetting it in a bar one night. A couple of weeks later on the quad I spotted a girl wearing it - who wears a clearly homemade hat they found in a bar?!
To make this earwarmer, I crocheted a long strip using a slip stitch that was ten stitches wide and twice the circumference of my head. Then I folded it in half and used contrasting yarn to stitch around the edges. I used the same technique to create the bow, and then crocheted a small loop to connect the two.
Because of the stitches around the edges, you don't have to worry about this stretching out, so you can make it the actual size of your head.
And of course I made it in lavender, because I've been all about the pastels lately. Is it still cold where you live?
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