Thursday, April 4, 2013

Ensemble: Almost Spring

So, these mint jeans I have... is it appropriate to wear them every day?  Because I really want to.  Even though it hasn't necessarily been warm yet, I've been easing into spring with brighter colors and my white peacoat.  

To my coat: I'm sorry that I spilled spiked kids temperature Starbucks hot chocolate on you on St. Patrick's Day.  I swear I'll make it up to you.  

Coat - Old Navy (old, similar here) / Blazer and Tee - Gap / Pants and Flats - Loft / Bag (similar here) and Sunglasses - Target

I saw my grandma later this day and she asked if I was wearing a twinset.  If twinsets now include sequins, then count me in!  

How are you bringing spring into your wardrobe?

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