Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Ensemble: Gingham and Pastels

Even though it's been mostly rainy and cold here in Chicago, we've gotten a couple brief glimpses of warmer weather (and always on the weekend, how convenient!).  I'm getting really excited about living in this new neighborhood for the summer - not only have I checked out the walk to the beach, but also (ahem) tested out the neighborhood gelato place.  

Shirt and Sweater - Gap / Jeans - Loft / Necklace - F21 / Flats - Payless

Also, it's fair to note, I'm pretty sure this gelato place isn't really serving gelato because the small size was about three ice cream scoops.  I'm not complaining.

What are you most excited for this summer?

Today I'm linking up with Fridays Five @ Coffee Beans and Bobby Pins
Follow along via Google Friend Connect or Bloglovin!