Thursday, July 18, 2013

Summer Whites

Something about summer makes me want to dress up a little more for work.  I know, I know, shouldn't I want to just hang out in shorts and a tank top?  We have a casual dress code in my office, so in cold weather I tend to wear jeans and flat boots, day in and day out.  As soon as it gets warm, I get excited to break out my fancy skirts and dresses and heels.

Top - Loft / Skirt - JCrew Factory / Shoes - Sole Society / Bracelet - Baublebar

I may have been wearing this white pencil skirt a tinge too much, I want to break it out every day.  Something about it just screams summer to me.  You know, like the color.

I took these pictures early in the morning, and now I know that before work I look really tired and my hair retains some "natural wave" from rolling around in my sleep.  You win some, you lose some.

Linking up with Coffee Beans and Bobby Pins