This weekend I...
- Went to Kohl's to return one thing and bought three new things instead. Guess the shopping ban is over. Whoops.
- Had a movie night with the boy and finally saw This is the End and The Heat, too funny.
- Baked for the first time in months, I don't know what I've been doing!
- Had a yummy brunch with some friends, which oddly included candy corn.
- After being sick all of last week, finally went to my personal trainer again, and then almost passed out.
- Went to a funny band reunion / Halloween party where each band dressed up as a band from the past and played their covers. Also, one of my friends jumped on stage and busted out some '90s rap.
- Tried to go to dinner at our favorite place in my old neighborhood only to discover they were having a private party, so instead we looked in the window and Charlie Brown walked away. And then had lots of chinese food instead. It all worked out.
Hope you had a good one!

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