This weekend I...
... Became a mommy!! Of three tiny aquatic frogs. They're super adorable. So far, we have named all of them "Teej".
... Went to IKEA for the first time. I know, right. What have I been doing my whole life?
... Had a delicious homecooked meal made by my almost husband, complete with my first Christmas beer of the season.
... Took the boy on a trip to the outlet mall, "for him to buy clothes."
... Had to hide in our bathroom from the tornados. Luckily I brought my computer with. Also, more luckily, a tornado did not go through Chicago.
... Attempted to go on a JCrew Factory binge, but sadly was not successful. Or maybe not sadly.
... Tried making mashed cauliflower for the first time. Aaaaaaand successfully tricked people into thinking it was potatoes!
... Made it up to Milwaukee to visit some of my friends. There has certainly been a lot of Wisconsin in our lives recently.
... Had a yummy breakfast with my parents.
... Got a new iPhone 5! It's my new baby. Well, after the frog babies.
... Went to a Friendsgiving party, hello Thanksgiving number one of four!
I hope you had a good one!

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