Monday, January 13, 2014

This weekend...

This weekend I...

... Got some moscow mule mugs in the mail, and subsequently bought all the ginger beer at Mariano's.
... Had a ladies night with some of my besties, which was fun despite spending half the time fighting off the advances of the drunken birthday party at the table next to ours.
... Finally deposited all of my Christmas checks, and decided I can definitely splurge on a new bag for myself - I'm thinking this or this.
... Had some alone time while Jeff was supervising a youth group lock-in, and ended up watching a loooooot of Say Yes to the Dress ;)
... Discovered there's a new JoAnn Fabrics in my neighborhood, and bought the supplies for eight thousand craft projects I'm never going to finish.
... Attempted to finally get rid of our Christmas tree, but only got it from the living room to the garage.
... Braved the Mag Mile for some shopping on Sunday but somehow came home empty handed.

I hope you had a good one!

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