Monday, March 31, 2014

This Weekend...

This weekend I...

... Went on what was possibly my biggest Target binge ever.  Mainly because we got all new bedding, but also because I can't stay away from things that are gold and shiny.  Seriously, a gold dog tape dispenser?  There's no way I could have stayed away from that.
... Went up to Lincoln Park to get my hair cut (because once you find a girl you like, you're willing to drive twenty minutes on a Saturday morning to get to her) which necessitated a stop in to Molly's Cupcakes.  Birthday cake is my favorite!
... Picked up some pretty fresh flowers at Mariano's, so now our house smells amazing.  Yay spring!
... Accidentally crashed a guy's night.  Jeff and I thought we were meeting up with a bunch of people to watch the games, but all of the girls who were going skipped out, so it was just me and ten guys.  Luckily, I'm great at talking about fantasy baseball (har har har).
... Had dinner at Taco Joint - serious yum!  I would like four more braised pork belly tacos, please.  Oh, and another grapefruit chili margarita ;)
... Did another Darby Smart project.  Those boxes just keep showing up at my door, I may have a problem.
... Went to our neighborhood sports bar for dinner and additional basketball.  I've been eating really healthy lately, so instead of getting fries and a burger I went for "veggie spaghetti" - zucchini and yellow squash julienne, sautéed in spicy pesto with corn and tomatoes.  Ummm, SO good!  I may still have had a couple of Jeff's tater tots though ;)

I hope you had a good one!

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