Thursday, April 24, 2014

(Lady) Date Night

Tee - Loft / Jacket - NY&Co (old) / Jeans - Old Navy / Boots - Enzo Angiolini (old, similar) / Bag - F21 (similar) / Bracelet - Fancy Frills

Happy Thursday!!  I am dying for the weekend right now, but you know, I guess that's really the case every Thursday.  I wore this earlier this week for a little lady date at La Madia for some vino and kale pork belly pizza.  Yes, seriously.  I know I sometimes hate on kale (ahem) but somehow on pizza it was amazing.  Maybe the pork fat helped.

I've had this blazer for four or five years now, but I barely ever wear it (I can actually remember the exact last time I pulled it out, waaaaaay back in 2012).  Usually I try it on, think, "Nahhhh," and shove it right back in my closet.  But this time, for some reason I was drawn to it again.  And that, my friends, is why I have a hard time getting rid of clothes.  Because I might want to wear something once every year and a half.  Totally worth the space.

Linking up with Little FridayMonday Bloom, and Mix It Mondays

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