Tuesday, April 29, 2014

On Repeat

Tee - Loft / Jeans - Gap / Belt - Old Navy / Shoes - Sole Society / Bag - Kate Spade (similar) / Bracelet - BaubleBar (similar)

I wore this in front of my sister, and she said "Isn't that the exact same outfit you just wore on your blog?"  Umm, no, this is a totally different gray tee shirt, so the outfit is totally different.  Really, no, it is almost identical, but I was having one of those days where I tried on everything in my closet and couldn't find anything I liked, so I went with something I knew I had already worn and loved.  When it ain't broke, don't fix it, amiright?    

Oh, and for good measure, here's an extreme closeup by Jeff:

Linking up with Little Friday and Mix It Monday

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