Tee - Loft (similar) / Blazer - NY&Co (super super old) / Shorts - Gap / Sandals - ShoeMint (old) / Bracelet - Baublebar (similar)
That's right, this past weekend it was actually warm enough for shorts! I had to add a jacket for the evening, but it definitely still counts. I was super excited to finally be able to wear my new boyfriend shorts, which may be the comfiest jean shorts I've owned since I was seven years old. Actually, I'm not sure I owned a pair of jean shorts at seven, back in those days I was really into large print cotton shorts. That came with matching large print tees. What can I say, I was one stylin' '90s kid.
Linking up with Trend Spin Linkup, Little Friday, Friday Fab Favorites, and Monday Bloom
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