Thursday, July 10, 2014

To the Maxi

Tee and Skirt - Target / Necklace c/o (also seen here) / Sandals - Payless (old, similar)

I'm not sure how it happened, but somehow I've been more busy this week than when I was gainfully employed.  Between job searching, interviews, wedding stuff (including finally taking our engagement photos!), freelancing, and blogging, I feel like I've barely had time to catch my breath.  I've been so busy planning appropriate interview outfits and engagement photo outfits that my regular outfits kind of fell by the wayside.  Yesterday I was super excited to see Jenn from With Luck Blog rocking her maxi skirt because A) It reminded me that I do, in fact, own several maxi skirts, and B) Maxi skirts are basically the best thing ever.  They are super comfortable but still somehow feel more dressed up than jeans.  I was going to take Jenn's outfit as inspiration, but instead I basically just copied it (sorry Jenn!).  What can I say, imitation is definitely the most sincere form of flattery.

Linking up with Mix It MondayFriday Fab Favorites and Summer Style.

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