Wednesday, December 3, 2014

November Budget

Phew. Can you believe it's been almost a whole year of budgeting at this point? It turns out the $300/month budget I set for myself is dead on - it keeps me in check every month, but doesn't make me feel deprived. This month I went for a bunch of lower priced items, and two bigger ticket pieces - new boots and a faux fur vest. I actually had a pretty hard time picking out new boots after my favorite pair broke in October. Every pair I tried just wasn't quite right. Then I thought, why keep looking when I really just wanted my old pair back? So I went to DSW and bought an almost identical pair from the same brand. As far as the vest, I had been holding back for a while because Banana Republic refused to put it on sale. But then I noticed sizes started disappearing online so I decided to pull the trigger. Then it came in the mail, and they forgot to take the security tag off. I called to complain, and they took 20 percent off the price! Which means I ended up coming in right under budget for the month. Here's the damage for November:

BaubleBar Crystal Necklace - originally $44.00, on sale and used credits, $26.00
Old Navy Plaid Flannel Shirt - originally $26.94, on sale $16.25
Loft Striped Tee - originally $24.50, on sale $8.25
Banana Republic Faux Fur Vest - originally $130, used credits plus extra 20% off, $82.40
Forever 21 Beanie - $8.90
Bandolino Coppa Riding Boots - originally $149, on sale $99.95
Loft Striped Chiffon Tee - originally $39.50, on sale $23.70
Loft Lacey Tee - originally $54.50, on sale $23.25

Total Spent: $288.70
Total Saved: $188.64

While I did get a lot of things I liked this month, I didn't get the one thing I really needed - a new laptop bag. Maybe I'll gift it to myself with Christmas giftcards. Besides that, I'm really just looking to get some sweaters (because it has been so cold so far this fall) and maybe a new dress for NYE.

How did you do this month?

Linking up with Fran.

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