Monday, March 30, 2015

This Weekend...

This weekend I…

…Went out for wings and beers at one of the bars in our neighborhood, because it's March Madness and what else are we supposed to do ;) I picked 3 of the 4 final four teams correctly, so I've got my fingers crossed!
…Picked up my wedding invitations! Next steps, stamping and assembling ;)
…Went to a bridal shower for my college roommate, which involved a lot of presents and a super adorable mimosa bar.
...Actually went to Target and actually found the things I was looking for last week. And now there is a hot pink lamp in our bedroom. Shhh, don't tell Jeff, I don't think he's noticed yet...
…Celebrated my sister and mom's birthdays up at my parent's house, but after all of the cake I had this week I had to do a little abstaining. I'm trying to count calories again this spring (I always use LoseIt), and for some reason it's much harder this year than it has been in the past.
…Met some friends at Lagunitas Brewery down in Pilsen, which is always weirdly a haven for babies. Who brings their baby to a taproom? Now I know what I'll be up to on Sunday afternoons in a few years ;)

I hope you had a good one!

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  1. Yay for picking up the wedding invitations...sounds like a fun weekend!

  2. I hope you dominate your college bracket girl!


  3. Such a fun weekend! I love Lagunitas!


  4. Yay for birthday celebrations, March Madness, beer, a wings! :)

    Le Stylo Rouge

  5. Love your blog!! Happy spring :)

