Friday, October 23, 2015


Happy Friday!! I am weirdly excited for this weekend (like, moreso than usual) and I think it's because we don't have a ton going on for once. Helloooooo, relaxation! And probably finally getting some things checked off my to-do list.

Being in front of the camera a lot means that I end up with quite a few bloopers on my computer - some because I can't help but be silly when Jeff is behind the camera, and some because working with a remote shutter tends to come with its quirks. Here are a few of the more amusing ones (click the photos to go to the original posts:

"Is this working?"

"What are you doing, Mister"



Here's hoping these gave you a good laugh on your Friday, and that my boss doesn't find this post and send it out to our entire company ;) 

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