Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Daylight Savings

Sweater (similar) - LOFT / Scarf and Bag (similar) - Old Navy / Denim - Gap / Bracelet (similar) - Stella & Dot / Flats - Tory Burch

I love the fall, but I hate the time change every year. Getting less sunlight can really mess with your body & your mind. I used to actually try changing my sleeping patterns gradually before a time change, waking up & going to bed 15 minutes later (or earlier in the spring) every day to prep my body. 

Turns out Daylight Savings also messes with your blog photo schedule - I was getting ready to take these photos, looked out the window, and realized the sun had already set! That's why the lighting is a little funny - it's actually all coming from the streetlamps. Whoops. I'll try to do better next week - in the meantime, try to go get yourself some more Vitamin D!

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Previously on KDTI - Reva ballet flats:


Linking up with Style Me WednesdayStyle Sessions.

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