Thursday, February 4, 2016

The Coffee Table

Woooooo we finally got our new coffee table!! It's helping the room feel more "done" (even though our dining room set won't arrive for 6-8 weeks). Plus it's nice to have somewhere to put your drink down other than the floor, where you'll inevitably knock it over and then completely soak your new rug and then have to stuff towels under it and set up a fan to dry things out. Not that that happened.

It also comes with gold legs, oooooooooo...

But the best part about this particular coffee table? Well...

It opens! One section of it pops up, making it super convenient if I want to work from the living room, or be a terrible adult and eat my dinner in front of the tv, or just put my beverage in easier reaching range. 

Is this too many pictures of one coffee table? Sorry, I really am just this excited. 

Want to see the deets on the rest of our living room? Check out the post.

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