Tuesday, September 6, 2016

This Weekend...

This weekend I...

...Probably waited the latest ever (and had the most wine) before writing this haha ;) But that's the sign of a good weekend, amiright?
...Ate out maybe too much ;) We had lunch on the rooftop at Gene's Sausage Shop, where Jeff unknowingly ordered the tiniest of sausages, while I accidentally ordered the largest one, and then at Small Cheval, which was a much more enjoyable experience than at Au Cheval where I've never waited less than 90 minutes for my cheeseburger. Plus, you know, milkshakes. We also managed to have dinner at The Shanty up in the suburbs with my sister and brother-in-law for lots of fresh fish, Cuban food for a friend's birthday at Paladar (so good), and a date night with Jeff at City Winery for allofthe burrata ;) Oh, and we went to Jeff's parents' house for a big family dinner on Monday night - his brother and brother's girlfriend and sister and sister's friends all moved to Chicago this week so we had to celebrate - not quite a dinner out, but we still didn't have to cook!
...Went on one of those Target runs where you don't really need anything but you still spend every dollar you have. I did, however, walk away with this cute cowl-neck tank which I can't wait to wear with white jeans now and leggings once the temperature dips.
...Had our first football Saturday of the year, during which I successfully managed not to watch a single minute of football, but did manage to eat both loaded fries and nachos. Win win win.
...Finally made it to the 606 - the big elevated trail in Chicago. I've known it was there basically since it opened (but somehow Jeff had never heard of it!) and finally decided that I had to go. We made it through almost four miles plus snuck in that Small Cheval visit, which I think makes for a pretty nice weekend day (and makes those fries & garlic sauce a whole lot more manageable ;)
...Did a teeny tiny bit of shopping, by which I mean I dragged Jeff to the outlet mall and then it took us FIFTEEN MINUTES just to get into the parking garage. I don't think I'm ever going to get him to the mall again. I really wanted to snag this blazer, but sadly the arms were too short for me :(
...Realized that NICK (ahem, the next Bachelor, are you guys not on first name terms?!) and I are basically former co-workers and spent far too long stalking him online. I may have a problem. Did I used to hate him when he was on The Bachelorette and then The Bachelorette again? I can't even remember anymore ;)

Aren't long weekends the best? I hope you had a good one!

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