Monday, September 26, 2016

This Weekend...

Oh hey there! I'm writing this post in advance because we had a wedding on Sunday night - I'm guessing it was super fun! But you know, I'm also guessing I'm gonna be a little tired this morning ;)

This weekend I...

...Had some wedding weekend celebration drinks at Matilda's, where I tried just about every cocktail on their menu ;) How's a girl supposed to say no to sparkling wine and St. Germaine?!
...Went to the Cubs game on Saturday with a bunch of Jeff's family and friends, which was really fun even though they lost super terribly haha. Oh, and you may have seen on Snapchat that we were sitting next to John Cusack - weird!
...Got excited about the whole "It's Fall!" thing and ordered an excessive number of plaid and flannel shirts (including this and this) - fingers crossed I only like some of them because otherwise my October budget is already shot.
...Went to my friend's birthday party out in the suburbs, and it was basically the weirdest night ever. So basically, it turns out a charity rented out the bar for a fundraiser, but for some reason they still allowed our group make reservations too. We were an island not participating in a fundraiser that everyone else had paid a lot to go to. So there was a live band and dancing which was fun, but also sometimes a host trying to shush the room to give speeches and hold a live auction that no one was paying attention too, which was slightly less fun. Most bizarre thing ever.
...Chugged through a ton of blog & freelance work. We're heading out of town on Thursday for another wedding out in DC, and then I'm coming home for about 12 hours before heading out to San Francisco for the next week for work. I'm exhausted already ;)

I hope you had a good one!!

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