Monday, November 28, 2016

This Weekend...

This weekend I...

...Snuck in lots and lots of family time and wine time between Thanksgiving dinners with both of Jeff's families and a day in downtown Chicago with mine, and there was only one meltdown which is definitely a win for the holidays ;)
...Kept telling people I didn't do any Black Friday shopping, and then realized I had actually made quite a few purchases, like two pretty lip gloss sets that somehow already sold out, a comfy cardigan, and these fun tassel earrings. Whoops. I did manage to pick up a few presents for people other than myself though, so I'm considering it a win.
...Managed to trick Jeff into taking Christmas card photos while he was dressed up for Thanksgiving - we took about 30 shots before he said all of his smiles were used up. Oh men ;)
...Drove up to my sister's house for an afternoon of painting (I'll show you what I made on Snapchat! Find me @kristinadoes) and binging the Gilmore Girls. Did you catch the new season yet? I think they managed to squeeze all of the truly awkward scenes into the previews so my expectations were pretty low, but the season itself was everything I could have hoped for - funny, perfectly nostalgic and lots of Kirk doing weird things. And now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go rewatch it 800 times.
...Did a little more painting at our house, except this time on the walls. We had some work done last month on our windows and had a big patch that needed to be covered. I've somehow made it this far in life and never painted a wall before, and now, having painted at least eight square feet, I don't think I ever will!

I hope you had a good one!

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