Thursday, November 17, 2016

The Cozies

Sweater (similar) - LOFT / Scarf - Target / Pants - J. Crew Factory / Booties - TOMS / Bag - Sole Society

There are some days that you just want to be cozy, amiright? Last weekend we went to a Friendsgiving party, and with all of the turkey and mashed potatoes coming my way, I decided the comfier, the better. Leggings? Check. Oversized sweater? Check. Gigantic scarf that I could wrap around myself and wear as a dress if I wanted? Double check. This was somehow the first time I've worn this scarf since I got it, and you guys, it is the perfect blanket scarf. Not too crazy huge, and super soft.

For the real deal next week, I'll probably be wearing something really similar. I've always wished our family Thanksgivings were a little dressier, you know, so I'd have an excuse to wear my heels and dresses, but alas, we always go super casual. Also, if I try dressing up at all my sister gets mad at me. You should have seen her reaction when I ignored her "tee-shirts only" packing request for our family vacation this summer. She takes her comfortable dressing seriously.

What will you be wearing for Thanksgiving next week? Are you going dressy, or is comfort king?

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Previously on KDTI - tunic sweater:

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