Monday, January 23, 2017

This Weekend...

This weekend I...

...Went out for a little ladies night with a bunch of girls on Friday night to drink away our Inauguration Day blues, and boy did we go for it! I'm pretty sure we went through about 12 bottles of wine. We went out for dinner at Coast Sushi, and this may be the wine talking but I'm definitely headed back with Jeff at some point - it was so good!! The super fatty tuna was melt-in-your-mouth good, and they had a really good mix of traditional and funky rolls. After that we headed out for a little dancing before realizing we're definitely getting a little too old for this ;)
...I had been thinking I'd try to go to the Women's March in Chicago, but all of that wine kept me on the couch all morning - whoops! I had to live vicariously through the news and all of your Instagram/Facebook/Snapchat posts, and holy crap I'm seriously amazed by what the day turned into. Get it ladies! Oh, and my dad - he texted that he was out marching!! He refused to wear the hats though ;)
...Went for a little lunch date with Jeff to Summer House Santa Monica, and that place seriously never disappoints! We were there around 4pm, and now I know when all of the new parents go out to eat dinner - the place was packed with kids! I saw two babies that had to be under a month old and were so tiny and adorable. Jeff accused me of not paying attention to him because I was too busy craning around looking at all of the miniature humans. I swear I'm not weird.
...Snagged this adorable striped lace-up tee for only thirteen bucks!! It's so cute so I'm really hoping it fits - fingers crossed!!
...Got a bunch of stuff done around the house. It's a little embarrassing but we had a bunch of stuff delivered to help fancy up our bedroom weeks and weeks ago, and we just got around to getting it all set up. I'm most excited about this pretty print, we got a giant size to hang on the wall and I'm seriously in love. It's the perfect balance of girly but still neutral, as I'm trying to trick Jeff into thinking our bedroom isn't a total lady room. It seems to be working so far ;)
...Watched Captain Fantastic, which was such an interesting film and so different from what we usually watch. It's basically about a hippie family that lives out on the wilderness, but have to go on a giant adventure across the country to save their mother. There were a few noticeable plot holes but I still really enjoyed it, the storyline was really unique and it was just interesting to see into the lives of people who are so different from myself.

I hope you had a good one!!

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