Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Big Girl Pants

Dress (currently on final sale, fits TTS - until 10am today take an extra 50% off with code FLASH!) - LOFT / Bag - Rebecca Minkoff / Heels (similar block heels here and here) - Sole Society / Necklace - Stella & Dot / Earrings - Sugarfix by BaubleBar

I don't know about you, but I've been working in a casual office space for so long now that being asked to dress up throws me into a tizzy. (Did I just use the word tizzy?!) But seriously though. I manage to get myself dressed every other day of the week with no problem, and am usually more dressed up than everyone around me. But ask me to find something business casual in my closet and I freak out.

The main problem is those dress pants. I mean, really you guys, the only pair I have and like I bought over five years ago and are a skinny black pant. So really, they're basically a pair of leggings. (I think it's actually this pair, but mine seriously are from 2012 so who knows if they've changed something.)

As soon as I look past the dress pants option, I always end up realizing I have a closet full of things that would work for business wear, including this adorable dress I snagged on final sale at LOFT. Normally I wouldn't advise buying things on final sale online, because duh, you're stuck with whatever you buy even if it doesn't fit. But I had actually tried this particular dress on in a different size a month or two ago, so I was pretty confident that it would work. Winner winner chicken dinner. If you really want this dress, I keep seeing sizes pop in and out of stock - I'm wearing a 12 here (my normal dress size at LOFT) and would say it fits pretty TTS for a shift dress.

So what did I have to dress up for? At the last minute, my boss asked me to step in for him and give a presentation at a conference last week! Now, I actually did a lot of theater in high school so I like performing, but public speaking is a whole different animal. It's one of those things I don't think I'll ever feel fully prepared for, but I went up and did it anyway, and you know what? Once you start talking, it's not so scary anymore! Oh, and it helped that the session I gave was only for about 75 people ;) And to the sweet reader I met at the conference, thanks for saying hi! It was so fun to meet you!!

 (currently on final sale, fits TTS - until 10am today take an extra 50% off with code FLASH!) - LOFT / Bag - Rebecca Minkoff / Heels (similar block heels here and here) - Sole Society / Necklace - Stella & Dot / Earrings - Sugarfix by BaubleBar

Linking up with Trend Spin Linkup.

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