Thursday, November 30, 2017

Plaid Cape

Cape (similar) - Treasure & Bond / Sweater - J. Crew Factory / Leggings - Spanx / Flats - Sam Edelman / Sunglasses (similar) - Ralph Lauren / Bag - Tory Burch / Earrings - BaubleBar / Necklace - Stella & Dot

I freaking love a good cape. It's basically an excuse to wear a blanket all day. I'm always cold at work, whether it's summer or winter, and wearing a cape means I don't have to look like a crazy at my desk with my coat wrapped around me like a blanket.

Sidebar: I had a coworker at my first job who literally wore a leopard snuggie and slippers at her desk. Don't be that girl.

When you're wearing a cape, keep the rest of your look streamlined so you don't end up looking like a giant blob. Skinny jeans or (faux) leather leggings are definitely the way to go. I used to always layer tees underneath, but it turns out a cute sweater works too - just roll up the sleeves if they're oversized, once again, to avoid the blobbiness.

I actually wore this to Thanksgiving at my grandma's house last week, and it got hot at the crowded dining room table. I literally just threw the front half of the cape over the back of the chair while I was still sitting and was good to go, as opposed to trying to wrestle myself out of a sweater. What can I say, capes are the perfect winter layer!

Cape (similar) - Treasure & Bond / Sweater - J. Crew Factory / Leggings - Spanx / Flats - Sam Edelman / Sunglasses (similar) - Ralph Lauren / Bag - Tory Burch / Earrings - BaubleBar / Necklace - Stella & Dot

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Wednesday, November 29, 2017

November Budget

Every month I post about my clothing budget. My budget per month is $350, which may seem like a lot to some and a little to others, but feels just right for me. You can read my thoughts on my 2016 budget here.

And looks like we're done with November! I actually looked at my budget from last November while putting this post together and was really amused, because I bought the exact same shirt and a super similar poncho last November too. Cheers to patterns.

Here's what I bought in November:

J. Crew Factory Sweater - originally $64.50, on sale $38, asked for price adjustment $32.00. Always, always ask for price adjustments if you see something go on better sale! I usually go to the store's contact page and either find an email address or a live chat. It takes no time and keeps you from being mad that you didn't predict the day something would be on the best sale. I've only been told no once by someone at Pottery Barn, and I complained and was given a backdoor way to get the price I wanted. This particular price adjustment only saved me six bucks, but that Pottery Barn order? Over a hundred! Oh, and this sweater? I already own it in pink and decided I loved it enough to snag another color. SMART.
J. Crew Bow Earrings (in red and black) - originally $24.50 each, on sale $18.37 each. I really wanted the red version of these earrings but knew I'd get more use out of the black, sooooo... I just ordered both. They came in the mail last week and they're so freaking cute! They turn out slightly in your ear so you can actually see the bows. And they're really light too, which is my number one when it comes to earrings.
Treasure and Bond Cape - originally $49.00, on sale $29.40. This sold out immediately after I shared it with you guys (sorry!!) but I love wearing these capes in the winter. Basically an excuse to always be covered in a blanket :) This one is really similar if you're in the market.
Sam Edelman Felicia Flat  - $99.95. I was looking for a last minute cute pair of flats to wear to a work conference earlier this week (and maybe still have four rejected pairs waiting to be returned) and these fit the bill! They took a little bit of breaking in but didn't give me any blisters after wearing them four days straight and walking all over the place! The last day my little toes got a little sore but that's it - and I'm super picky about shoes! Definitely winners.
J. Crew Factory Scarf - originally $49.50, on sale $29.50. I have so many red plaid scarves, it's nice to have something a little different! This pattern is a repeat from a J. Crew scarf last season that I really wanted, and is so cute in person - I wore it here.
J. Crew Bow Back Sweater - originally $89.50, on sale $67.12. This was one of those things I saw and had to order immediately. I mean, it has a velvet bow on the back. The reviews complained that it was short and boxy, but I mean, come on, did those people even look at the picture?! It actually worked really well on me, I thought the fit was just oversized enough and it's definitely not too short.
J. Crew Factory Ruffle Plaid Shirt - originally $64.50, on sale $32.00. I've been wearing this probably more than once a week since I got it. So so cute in person, and perfect with my velvet blazer! Oh, and yes, it's just a different pattern than the one I got last year.

Total Spent: $326.71
Total Saved: $139.24

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Whew, under budget! This month I was actually convinced I had spent no money, but once again, I fooled myself. Good thing I kept track because I definitely would have gone off the rails otherwise.

Anyways, I'm going to try to hold myself back when it comes to shopping in December, mainly because I'm currently spending all of my dollars in Paris. And also because, you know, I probably shouldn't buy myself a bunch of stuff when Santa is coming soon.

Did you budget in November? How was your month?

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Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Red, White, and Bows

Sweater and Earrings - J. Crew / Jeans (similar) - Gap / Flats - BP / Bag - Tory Burch

Okay you guys. We made it past Thanksgiving. If you hadn't already given in (ahem), it's time to pull out the holiday clothes!

I obviously love an over-the-top holiday look, but there's something fun about keeping it minimal too. A few pops of red paired with a couple of bows can make anything look festive, including this black and white look.

This sweater and these earrings both came out of a J. Crew order I got last week where I actually kept everything in the order! Okay, not sure if this is a big deal for you, but I order a lot of stuff and try to be really picky about what I actually keep. You probably wouldn't believe how big my pile of returns has gotten in my bedroom. Actually, you probably would believe it if you've ever seen me on Instastories, since I keep my pile of returns next to my big mirror. I should probably rethink that arrangement.

Anyway, let's recap. Bows and red for the holidays: Good. Giant piles of things to return: Bad. Enjoy your Tuesday!

Sweater and Earrings - J. Crew / Jeans (similar) - Gap / Flats - BP / Bag - Tory Burch

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Monday, November 27, 2017

Three Holiday Outfit Ideas

I know everyone talks about how fall clothes are their favorites, but my favorite season to dress for has slowly become the holidays! What can I say, this girl likes her plaid.

When it comes to picking out a holiday outfit, I like to look for special details. Basically, anything red, velvet, plaid, metallic, embellished, or topped with a bow will feel perfectly festive. Just don't go overboard! I limit my super holiday-ish items to two max per outfit, otherwise you end up looking like a walking present. Here are three outfit ideas for getting dressed this holiday season:

Outfit 1: Shirt, Vest, Mules, Jeans

Outfit 3: Hair Bow, Heels, Dress

Here are some more holiday pieces I have my eye on this season: 

Tops and Pants:

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Dresses and Skirts: 

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Shoes and Accessories:

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Friday, November 24, 2017

Friday Finds

Happy (Black) Friday! Tonight we're hopping on a flight to Paris, but you'd better believe I'm doing a little online shopping before we go! Here's hoping my finds help your online Black Friday shopping - especially if you're looking for bows ;)

While we're gone, I have some pre-scheduled posts going live next week, so be sure to check back! Oh, and of course, follow along on Instagram (@kristinadoes) to see what I'm up to.

one / two / three / four / five

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Thursday, November 23, 2017

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family! I hope your day is filled with lots of gravy, family time, stretchy clothing, and thankful thoughts. And that your tomorrow involves sleeping late and a leftover turkey sandwich ;)

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Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Travel Tips: What to Pack for a Long Flight

Since we're headed out of the country on Friday (ahhh!! did I mention at least 10,000 times that we're headed to Paris?!?!?) and just about everyone I know is getting ready to travel for Thanksgiving or will be traveling in December, it seemed fitting to share my carry-on essentials today. I actually meant to share this post after our trip to Southeast Asia but never quite got around to it, but you know, better late than never!

Having survived an (almost) seventeen hour flight to Hong Kong, I now consider myself a bit of a travel expert. So what's always in my carry-on?

The Best Travel Pillow
I've tried several different travel pillows before but didn't love any of them - this one is a total game changer! The sides are harder so you can lean to the sides if that's more comfortable for you, the back is flatter so it keeps your neck in better alignment instead of forcing it forward, and it has a clip in the front to secure it around yourself. Oh, and it's made of foam and rolls down to fit in a little travel bag, so your travel pillow isn't just bouncing around on the outside of your carry-on and (gasp!) potentially touching the floor.

A Cozy Cardigan and a Scarf
I'm probably more sensitive to temperature than the average human being, and it drives me crazy that planes tend to switch between cold and hot and cold and hot as you taxi, take off, and reach altitude. For me, layers are always key. I like to go for a cardigan because it's easier to take on and off than a pullover, as well as a scarf that can double as a blanket.

Colgate Wisps 
Using my toothbrush in the airplane bathroom always grosses me out, so I love pulling out these little mini toothbrushes on the plane whenever I feel the need to freshen up. They have a tiny bead of mouthwash that you use to brush your teeth, and then you can toss them afterwards.

Travel Organizer
I used this for the first time on my trip to San Francisco, and I'm never traveling without it again! Usually when I get on a plane I'm constantly rummaging around in my bag pulling out the different things I need, but now I can put them all into this organizer and just put that in the seatback pocket. It's big enough to fit my iPad mini, phone, a charging cable, headphones, your passport or ID, a credit card, chapstick, hand lotion, a hair tie, and whatever other little knicknacks get lost in your bag. Plus, you can add a monogram. It took me thirty years to get here, but monograms are my new favorite thing.

Card Holder
You likely don't need everything in your wallet when you're traveling, and you definitely don't need it on the plane! I like to pop my ID, insurance card, and one or two credit cards into a little card holder and call it a day instead. I actually picked up my current one in Florence, and use it almost every day instead of my regular wallet because it fits better into my small crossbody bags. My mom asked what I do with all of my rewards cards and store credit cards - I just ask stores to look up my account!

Portable Charger with Built-In Prongs
I got one of these as a promo item at work, and let me tell you, it's a travel game-changer. I have issues with a lot of portable chargers. They either won't stay plugged into your phone, or they barely hold any charge, or they have a separate cord and charger that they need to use to charge up. This one has built-in prongs that plug directly into the wall so you never have to worry about keeping track of another cord, can fully charge your phone three times before running out of batteries, and has a lightning cord built-in so you also don't have to find your phone charger.

Seriously, it's the best. I also recommend putting your phone on low battery mode as soon as you leave for the airport, even if it's already fully charged. I do this for every trip / when I know I'll be out all day, and it makes my battery last so much longer! I actually didn't even use my travel charger during my whole trip to San Francisco earlier this month despite being out all day and taking photos/videos.

iPad and a Paperback
I always load up my iPad with shows from Netflix (I just finished The Good Place - so good!) and games, but in case my eyes get tired of looking at the screen or I somehow run out of battery despite my precautions above, I like to bring a paperback book too. I just finished Little Fires Everywhere and loved it, it would be a great travel book because it's not too hard of a read, but the intertwining stories and complex themes give it more depth than your average vacation read.

Lip Balm and Moisturizer
I'm addicted to lotion and chapstick in my everyday life, so in the dry air of an airplane the problem gets 10x worse! These hand lotions are a splurge but are my favorite for traveling - the little tube fits anywhere! Oh, and I've talked and talked about these lip balms - I love the basic one for travel, but the rose color gives such a pretty hint of color for everyday.

Refillable Water Bottle
I don't know why, but the water on overseas flights tends to be gross. I actually thought it was so gross on our trip to Hong Kong that I made Jeff buy me five bottles of water at the airport for our flight home. Jeff, however, brought his refillable water bottle and didn't have to waste forty dollars on bottled water. Most airports have water bottle fillers these days, so you can easily fill up once you go through security. I love that this one has a straw top so you won't risk spilling all over yourself on the plane. Not that I've done that.

Extra Underwear and a Full Outfit 
Unless you're carrying on all of your luggage, there's always the risk that you could lose your bag. I always bring a full extra outfit plus a couple of pairs of underwear in my carry-on in case something happens, that way I'm ready to go once I reach my destination. If I'm traveling somewhere warm I also bring a swimsuit too, because shopping for a swimsuit is hard enough when you aren't extremely rushed and only shopping at weird beach boutiques!

When I travel internationally, I always love these travel adapters (lifesavers when traveling to multiple countries with different outlet types!), charcoal pills in case the food upsets my stomach (which has happened every time I've traveled out of the country), and this little digital camera that's way more convenient to carry around than my DSLR!

Do you have any travel tips? Let me know!

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Tuesday, November 21, 2017

A Little Plaid

Shirt - J. Crew Factory / Skirt - J. Crew / Cardigan (similar) - Old Navy / Flats (I also love this pair!) - Sam Edelman / Bag - Tory Burch / Watch - Wristology

If you're looking for a way to get festive for the holidays without going over the top (ahem, as I usually do), this is the way! A plaid shirt with a cardigan and a faux leather skirt is a little festive, a little dressy, and a little casual all at the same time. Perfect for those holiday parties where you aren't sure of the dress code! 

I actually go to a holiday party like that every year - it's at a casual bar and some people show up in jeans while others are in full suits and cocktail dresses. I like to opt for the in-between, and wear something festive and fun. 

I have a holiday dressing guide I'm working on for next week, but in the meantime, just look for a festive item or two to mix into your regular wardrobe - I love anything plaid or velvet! 

How do you dress for the holidays? 

Shirt - J. Crew Factory / Skirt - J. Crew / Cardigan (similar) - Old Navy / Flats (I also love this pair!) - Sam Edelman / Bag - Tory Burch / Watch - Wristology

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Monday, November 20, 2017

This Weekend...

...had a movie night at home with Jeff and rented Baby Driver - it was so good!! The stunt driving is incredible. Jeff thought I wouldn't like it because I'm not generally an action movie person, but really I'm just not into bad action movies (ahem, like his favorites, all of the Fast and Furious movies).
...ordered my first couple of Christmas gifts - how cute is this play toaster set I got for my niece?! She loves the ice cream scoop set I got for her birthday so I figured the toaster will be a hit too.
...went out for a brunch birthday party at Bar Pastorale with a bunch of our friends, and, as I predicted, ended up having a bit too much fun (thanks to the bottomless mimosas). Brunch turned into dive bars which turned into dinner and more drinks. And then I spent all day on Sunday on the couch ;)
...realized this sweater is my favorite - it's perfectly slouchy and oversized - and I want to wear it every day (as seen here) so I ordered it in white too - perfect to wear with all of my scarves and ponchos!

I hope you had a good one!

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