Wednesday, February 27, 2019

February Budget

Every month I post about my clothing budget. My budget per month is $350, which may seem like a lot to some and a little to others, but feels just right for me. You can read my thoughts on my 2018 budget here.

Oh hey there! I'm writing this waaaaaay in advance so it's definitely possible I've bought more in February, but I thought I'd share what I've purchased so far! My favorite is definitely that sweatshirt - so cute and high end looking in person! I'm also loving the leopard espadrilles. They were on my wishlist all last year and seeing that they were running out of sizes made me finally pull the trigger. They started off really tight, but in wearing them around the house they have stretched out a little so I'm pretty sure I'm going to keep them - may do a few more walks to make sure!

Here's what I purchased in February:

J.Crew Factory Earrings - originally $24.50, on sale $14.50. I bought the non-Factory version of these two years and pink and wore the heck out of them (like here and here), they provide the look of a statement earring but are impossibly light and are really easy to pack for trips. So obviously I had to snag another pair when I saw they were back at such a great price!
J.Crew Factory "Le Weekend" Sweatshirt - originally $69.50, on sale $39.50, used rewards $34.50. It's hard to tell trying this on with a pregnant belly, but it fits really well now so I'm hoping it'll look good postpartum too! Very cute and luxe looking in person, perfect (le) weekend wear ;)
Target Necklace - $16.99. I realized I forgot to add this to my January budget post, so here it is now. This was one of those impulse buys but I've worn it a ton already so it was definitely worth it! It's the right length on me (not always the case with long necklaces) and seemingly goes with everything. It looks to be going in and out of stock, but there is also a silver version.
J.Crew Necklace - originally $39.50, on sale $27.65. I've loved big tortoiseshell jewelry for a few years now but never pulled the trigger on anything, but this was one of those "OMG I MUST ORDER THIS IMMEDIATELY" pieces. It is so gorgeous in person and just the right size - not gigantic (like the bubble necklaces of years past ;) but still substantial.
J.Crew Factory Pom Pom Scarf - originally $39.50, on sale $23.50. I realized putting this away that I already own two scarves that are exactly the same color - whoops! The pom poms are so cute though (and I'm figuring this will double as a nice nursing cover) so I decided to keep it anyway.
J.Crew Factory Kiss Tee - originally $39.50, on sale $13.95. I resisted and resisted this tee shirt, mostly because I definitely do not need another black and white graphic tee with words on it. But when it went on super sale with free shipping, I just couldn't resist ;)
Sam Edelman Espadrilles - $99.95. These are so cute in person, I can't wait to wear them this summer!

Total Spent: $231.04
Total Saved: $98.40

In March I'm guessing I'll be shopping for some springier clothes once I start to get a feel for what size I'll be wearing, because I'm dying for some warmer weather over here and fun spring clothes are always an outlet for me.

Did you budget in February? Any good finds?

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Friday, February 22, 2019

Friday Finds

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Monday, February 18, 2019

Maternity Leave!

Today I'm 39 weeks (+2 days) pregnant and am officially on maternity leave from work! I honestly don't know what I'm going to do with myself if the baby doesn't come soon, since I could potentially be pregnant for two more weeks. And yes, it is exactly two more weeks because my doctor is scheduling an induction for March 4th if the baby isn't here by then. I guess there will be a lot more naps and a lot of getting stuff done around the house since I'm in full-on nesting mode! Plus probably a lot of reading and hanging at my neighborhood coffee shops. One thing I definitely don't want to spend too much time on the computer so I've decided it's time for maternity leave from the blogosphere too. I anticipate getting bored so it's possible there will be a post here or there, but definitely not 5x a week! If you want to follow along with what I'm getting up to, be sure to follow me on Instagram. And I'll definitely pop back in post-baby to share some pictures!! Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got a lot of lounging to do ;)

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Friday, February 15, 2019

Friday Finds

Happy Friday!! And, happy last day of work for me - my maternity leave starts on Monday! So crazy!! I'm hoping the baby comes sooner rather than later so I'm not sitting at home too long, since I really don't know what I'll do with myself if I end up waiting for two weeks.

I've started getting excited about shopping for regular clothes again, and that "Le Weekend" sweatshirt is already en route to my house ;) I'm also really loving that leopard sweater, I've been stalking it to see if it goes on sale. Watch out wallet, I'm coming for you!

one / two / three / four / five

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Thursday, February 14, 2019

Happy Valentine's Day!

Tee - Gap / Maternity Coat (sold out!) - Old Navy / Maternity Leggings - Blanqi / Booties - Steve Madden / Earrings (similar) - BaubleBar / Necklace - Stella & Dot / Bag - Tory & Burch

Happy Valentine's Day! Hope you're feeling loved today <3 <3 <3

We took these photos over the weekend during a surprise snowstorm (or at least, it surprised us!) and it ended up being too cold and windy and wet to take any more photos than this or to take my coat off. You know, gotta protect that little baby! But just know that this tee is supposed to be for nursing, but it has a wrap front that actually stays closed over my cleavage and isn't too too deep. Plus it's not one of those weird nursing tops that definitely looks like a nursing top with slits in the sides or a weird opening in the front, I think this is something you could wear anytime. Oh and it's only $25 - win!

Tee - Gap / Maternity Coat (sold out!) - Old Navy / Maternity Leggings - Blanqi / Booties - Steve Madden / Earrings (similar) - BaubleBar / Necklace - Stella & Dot / Bag - Tory & Burch

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Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Maternity Staples for a Winter Pregnancy

When I found out I was pregnant, my goal in terms of maternity clothing was to buy enough that I would be comfortable, but to really try to limit my spending. Being pregnant in the winter is really different than the summer, as I was able to keep a lot of sweaters in rotation and layer up to change up what I'm wearing every day. I think I actually only managed to buy two actual maternity tops and at 38 weeks am still doing fine, so that's a win for me! So what have my staples been?

Old Navy Maternity Tees - I love these tee shirts, as they are really inexpensive and are flattering. I ended up buying four staple tees in black and white with short sleeve and long sleeve options, as well as a striped tee to mix things up a little. I initially thought I wouldn't buy the ruched style of maternity tee since they aren't really something you can wear post-pregnancy. But, once I hit around month six I started wanting to show off the bump more (and make sure people really knew I was pregnant!) and the side ruching is really flattering and lets you still have a waist along with your baby bump.

Non-Maternity Tunics
 - Even now, at 38 weeks, my tunic length non-maternity tops and sweaters are still pulling their weight! My favorite is definitely this convertible tunic sweater, which in theory you could wear off-the-shoulder but I never have. The length is still great on me, and it's so versatile it can work for a date, a night out, work, or the weekend. Oh, plus it's amazingly soft like pajamas so I want to wear it all the time.

Non-Maternity Cardigans - In case you haven't been able to tell from my increasingly less varied style posts, I've been wearing cardigans almost every day for the past few months. Some of my favorites are from Old Navy, Madewell, Nordstrom, and this one I snagged from Target last month.

Amazon Maternity Dress - I needed something dressy to wear for my baby showers and a couple of holiday events, and am so glad I found this maternity dress! It was really inexpensive, flattering, and thanks to the color and cut worked layered under so many things to give me a different look every time I wore it.

Old Navy Premium Maternity Jeans - As someone who has always carried more weight in my midsection, I was ready to dive into the world of maternity jeans right away! I mean, really, I may never go back haha ;) These full-panel jeans didn't quite fit at the beginning of my pregnancy but all the sudden in month eight they started staying up on my bump and getting really comfortable. I love that they have the band start under the regular waistband of the jeans, which makes them look a lot more normal. I did forget about how big sizing runs at Old Navy, so if you're looking for maternity jeans for the beginning of your pregnancy definitely size down! I tried a ton of brands for maternity jeans, and these were the only that came in a long enough length for me but didn't have a crazy high inseam.

Everly Gray Maternity Jeans - I loved these at the beginning of my pregnancy, as they had a full stretchy waistband at the top that was really comfortable, but didn't have any issues staying up while my bump was still small (read: non-existent).

Blanqi Leggings - I tried (and returned) a lot of maternity leggings, going from lower-end at Amazon and Target up to hundred dollar plus Spanx leggings, and these ended up being my favorites. They are opaque, they stay up no problem (when my bump was small too) and they are long enough for my very long legs. But, are they the perfect maternity legging? Definitely no, as they pill really easily. The instructions say to be careful about how you wash them to avoid pilling, but mine have pilled before they even make it to the wash. I've been through a few pairs, and currently have my nice, rarely worn still-look-like-new pair as well as a couple pairs that are really pilled that I wear around the house or only with longer tops and sweaters.

Old Navy Maternity Coat - I initially wondered what other people did for coats in the winter - it seemed so wasteful to buy something new that I would only ever wear for a couple of months. It sounds like some people wear their husbands coats or try to get by with their regular coats, but in Chicago (with some serious winter weather this year!) that was not going to cut it. I ended up deciding to look for something inexpensive that would work well enough to get me through. I was pleasantly surprised by a puffer I snagged from Old Navy. It's lined in fleece so it's really warm, and it has an adjustable tab at the waist so you don't end up looking like a total marshmallow. Definitely size down in this also, the first one I ordered was gigantic.

J.Crew Chateau Parka - This is my regular "nice" winter coat, and I'm amazed that at 38 weeks the swingy cut still fits over the bump! I know some people can manage through a whole winter in this weight of coat, but for me it isn't quite warm enough for commuting via public transit - I only reach for it if the temperature is going to be above freezing.

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Tuesday, February 12, 2019

A Little Pink for Valentine's Day

Maternity Tee and Coat (sold out noooo!) - Old Navy / Sweater (similar) - LOFT / Maternity Leggings - Blanqi / Boots - L.L.Bean / Bag (similar here and here) - Sole Society / Necklace - Target

I'm 38 weeks along this week - nine and a half months!! We temporarily thought we would be inducing next Monday and I was starting to get really excited about meeting baby girl, but we ended up not being able to get a spot. I guess we'll just keep waiting and see when she decides to make an appearance. You know, like every other baby in history ;) I've been feeling pretty uncomfortable for the last few weeks - I just don't think my torso is long enough to accommodate this little girl! But I still feel like I don't look as pregnant as I thought I would - I always figured my belly would be a lot bigger! (Jeff is at least humoring me by agreeing with that opinion haha ;) I just feel like people still don't always realize I'm pregnant! I literally was talking to a coworker last Friday about how I wouldn't be at an upcoming event, and he thought it was because I was taking a vacation. Like, no buddy, my maternity leave starts in a week ;) It probably doesn't help that it's sweater weather, all of the layers tend to cover things up. 

This is the time of year when I start getting bored with outfits in general (I'm pretty sure last February through April I just cycled through the same five sweaters every week) but having my maternity mix and match wardrobe of tees and layers is helping a little. A little pink and white are feeling perfectly pretty as we lead up to Valentine's Day. 

I'm not super into the holiday, and always struggle to decide what to do. I loved when we had a cute neighborhood restaurant across the street from us so we could just slush over there (usually in terrible Chicago winter weather) and escape all of the crowds and fighting for cabs and whatnot. This year, we're going to go a little low key - Jeff is going to be cooking something at home on Valentine's Day itself, and we'll go out to dinner the next night instead. That is, as long as we don't have a baby by then! 

Are you into Valentine's Day? Have any fun plans?? 

Maternity Tee and Coat (sold out noooo!) - Old Navy / Sweater (similar) - LOFT / Maternity Leggings - Blanqi / Boots - L.L.Bean / Bag (similar here and here) - Sole Society / Necklace - Target

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Monday, February 11, 2019

This Weekend...

This weekend I...

...went out for a dinner date at Coda di Volpe - we had tried to go last weekend but couldn't get in so I had it on the brain. I forgot how good (and cute!) that place is. I'm a little ashamed but mostly not to admit that I ordered the veal and it was mouthwatering, lick-the-plate good.
...after NINE YEARS had to try a new hair color (mine was discontinued last year and I just finished out my stockpile) and was totally freaked that I'd ruin my hair. But I ended up pleasantly surprised by how close it came out to what I was using before! I use Feria in C74, which starts out a bright orange-y red but fades to the perfect strawberry blonde.
...continued our quest to see all of the main Oscars films with a matinee of Vice. While I found the whole thing fascinating and the performance by Christian Bale incredible, it was definitely my least favorite of the Best Picture nominees. We followed that up with dinner at Warbler and then went home to watch Black Panther, which means we just have one more movie to watch before the Oscars!
...went out to brunch at Summer House, which is alway so nice to visit in winter since it feels like you're on vacation. And there are no vacations for us in the near future! Since I got pregnant (and never-ending sugar cravings) Jeff and I started ordering pastries to share as breakfast starters, and the warm blueberry muffin we had this weekend really hit the spot!

Here's hoping you had a good one!

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Friday, February 8, 2019

Friday Finds

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Thursday, February 7, 2019

The Nursery

You guys, I think the nursery is finally done! Or, shall we say, done enough ;) There's still a few things I'm considering adding and I'm missing some pillows that are on backorder (the ones in the pictures are actually from our living room!), but we're going to count it for here. I'm currently 37 weeks and the doctor may want to induce me at 39, so we're officially in the home stretch here!

I usually have a really hard time decorating a room (it took me months to decide on rugs when we moved to our condo!) but I feel like the nursery came together fairly easily. We already owned the couch, bookshelves, and rug and planned to keep them in that space, so really we just had a few big pieces to buy (that we magically agreed on in one shopping trip!) and a little decorating. It actually ended up fairly close to what I initially envisioned!

I tried to get some photos that showed the space from different angles so you can get a better feel of how the space works. It's a fairly small room and would be tricky to fit in even a double bed, but for a nursery it works just fine!

I included the links I could at the end. Some of the items are repurposed and are actually really old. Like the three little square photographs? I cut those out of a 2011 desk calendar years ago and they've actually been on the wall in that spot since we moved in - I thought they worked so I kept them! The bookcases were a part of the IKEA hack desk Jeff gave me for Christmas back when we first moved in together. And the baby animal photographs are actually from the baby shower I threw for my sister-in-law last summer! Repurposing what I already had helped keep the budget down and added a little more variety into the space - win win win!

Do you love the baby stock image in the frame?? 😂😂Hopefully at some point we'll switch that out! My cousin made this cute little basket for me, it's perfect for holding our baby girl's growing collection of headbands!

Just a note on these baskets - they're all actually slightly different sizes! Since I ordered eight I was able to match the heights for each shelf, but if you're just ordering two or three you might have a problem if you want them next to each other. 

I really would have preferred a bigger dresser. Even though it looks like this wall has a lot of space, we measured and it just wouldn't have worked. I'm considering getting a staircase bookshelf to fill some of the space to the left of the dresser and add something with a little more visual height, but I decided to stall on that. Partially because I couldn't find one that I really loved that got good reviews, and partially because I'm going to see how we use the space and see if we still want to add another piece after a few months. 

Furniture: Crib / DresserCouch / Rug

Couch Accessories: Pillows (pictured / the real pillows on backorder) / Pouf / Elephant lovey

Changing Table Accessories: Cover / Wipes Box / Hamper / Garbage can 

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