Friday, May 17, 2019

Friday Finds

Happy Friday!! This week was a bit of a doozy. After posting about our schedule on Monday I totally jinxed us, because Mia has not been happy to nap outside of her car seat at all this week, and decided for some reason she hates one of my boobs. Hmmmm. Don't worry, she doesn't have an ear infection or anything, I thought of that. 

So as you may guess, I'm pretty excited it's the weekend so Jeff will be around to help! The weather is maybe going to be nice, so we're hoping to get outside a little and maybe spend some time on our favorite patios! I've also been hoping to go to Home Depot and buy flowers to plant on our balcony this year because now I'm THAT person. 

So anyway, here are the finds for the week! Three are from LOFT, which is reminding me, did you see they have a new subscription service? So like, you get three items and can return them as often as you like to trade out for three more. I've always been pretty anti these subscriptions before, because I always want the tangible good for my money and am unsure how sizing work and worry that I'd just be wasting time and money. But, I shop so often at LOFT and I keep hearing about how terrible fast fashion is for the environment, so this is sounding like a good idea to me. I would probably just do it for spring and summer though, because I'm never as into their fall / winter clothes. Would you sign up for a subscription like this? 

one / two / three / four / five

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