Monday, June 17, 2019

Motherhood Monday: Baby Clothes

Romper / Bow (size mini)

Let's be honest, one of the things I was really excited for when I found out I was having a baby girl was the clothes! I clearly have a *thing* for shopping, and baby girl clothes are so cute! We got a ton of gifts and hand-me-downs in newborn and 0-3 months (like, I literally don't think I purchased a single newborn size) but now that Mia is moving up a size I'm getting to do more clothing shopping for her and it's so fun.

Right now, since Mia will only be in clothes for a couple of months I'm trying to keep things really budget friendly, so most of her things are from Old Navy, Gap, Target (the Cloud Island brand shoes are the only ones narrow enough to fit Mia's feet), or Carters. I also have been shopping the sale racks at Hanna Andersson (the best pajamas!), Nordstrom, and Janie & Jack. I also couldn't resist a few things from Monica + Andy, their clothing is really high quality and adorable. When Mia was really little their hats were the only ones that would actually stay on her head, so I ended up on their mailing list. When I saw these cute overalls I couldn't resist, I'm dying for warmer weather so she can wear them! Oh, and all those bows are mostly from Lou Lou & Company.

Most of these are things that are already in Mia's closet ;)

Jumper / BodysuitBow (size mini)

What's that saying about families that take mirror selfies together?? 😂

My shirt and shorts / Mia's top (actually a dress - she's long!) and jeans / Jeff's shirt

Similar Jumpsuit / Cardigan / Shoes / Bow (size mini)

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