Saturday, March 28, 2020

LOFT New Arrivals

It's kind of a tricky time we're in. Are you shopping, or no?

I'm still on the shopping train, but I'm being much more particular than usual, knowing that I may not be able to return things or that charges will sit on my credit cards for a while until I am able to make returns. I just can't help myself really, the sales have been insane.

At Loft right now, it's 50% off everything with free shipping, including Sneak Peak items that NEVER go on sale. I had to hold myself back because all of the spring stuff is so cute. I ended up ordering the floral Lilly-lookalike dress (the cut is so flattering, I have a similar one from 2017 here. Size down, I'm in a medium!), the striped sweater, the knit kimono, and the wide leg sweats. These things are SO freaking soft, like the softest things ever (I also have their sweatshirts) and I'm really looking forward to having a pair of lounge pants where it doesn't matter that they're too short for me. I also was just laughing with Jeff that apparently the gaucho pants that were so popular in like 2006/2007 are back, just rebranded as wide leg crops now. They were super popular at my college for two years, girls would wear them to the gym, with a sorority tee for class, or dressed up with heels and a tank to go to the bars. I'm clearly v pro their return.

Here are all of my picks:

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Friday, March 20, 2020

Friday Finds

Happy Friday! Phew, what a week, am I right?! Definitely looking forward to not trying to work a full day everyday while also taking care of Mia this weekend.

I'm still sharing "finds" here, because hey, we could all use something fun to look at right now! But I wanted to provide a caveat. If you're shopping online right now, make sure you check the return policy in case you're in an area where you can't go to stores or the post office to make returns (especially from places like Amazon!). There's nothing worse than being stuck with an item that isn't quite right for you!

That being said, I'm still doing lots of online shopping from Nordstrom - their return policy is incredible!! Basically you can return anything, anytime, no questions. I right now have an arsenal of dresses I ordered for a friend's wedding so I could try options at home and have no issues with returns.

And here are my finds for the week!

one / two / three / four / five

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Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Weekend Style

Sweater and Jeans (similar) - Old Navy / Jacket - J.Crew / Sneakers (more sizes here) - New Balance

Whew, quite a week! As my sister keeps saying, "Lemon, it's Wednesday." 

Like many of you I'm sure, we had our daycare announce on Friday that they'd be closed through the end of the month. Jeff and I are both working from home, so we're trying to balance watching Mia and staying on top of our jobs. Luckily I work for the best company ever, so instead of focusing on how many hours I'm working, they've been encouraging me to take the time I need with Mia and still take breaks for my mental health. 

I'm also very grateful that Mia is still at an age where we don't have to plan activities or worry about being bored. The only games we need to play are "chase" and "hand things back and forth," and Mia is perfectly happy to walk in circles around the couch for half an hour straight. To stay sane, we've also been going for walks every day for some fresh air and a change in scenery. 

Okay okay, enough rambling about our current situation - I know you've been hearing about it enough!  

Let's talk about the outfit.

The sweater

I had been really wanting to try the whole "cardigan as a sweater" trend (groundbreaking I know) and decided to hop in with this inexpensive version from Old Navy. I've seen a ton of these sweaters around, but a lot of them are super cropped or really low cut, neither of which really flies with my body type. I ordered this twice to get the right size, and ended up in a tall large. It fit perfectly, that is, until I accidentally put it in the dryer. Noooo! Now I would say it fits more like a regular large. So my suggestion would be to get the tall size even if you don't usually wear talls, because it will likely shrink. 

The jeans

I'm back on a light-wash jean kick now that spring is peaking its head out! I bought this pair last year and am still very in on them. They are a slightly higher rise than I usually prefer, so these are definitely not a "comfy lounge" kind of jean, more of a "change into sweatpants as soon as you walk in the door" jean. This pair is obviously old, but here's a similar one. It had bothered me all last year that this pair was a little too wide and long at the ankle, so I actually took some scissors to them and now am much happier with them! If you want to cut the ankles of your jeans, I suggest looking in a mirror and marking the length you want. 

The jacket

I'm still so excited every year when it warms up enough to put this jacket back in rotation. You may  remember that I specifically classify my jackets by temperature, and I would say this one works from about 50 degrees to 65. J.Crew has been really going in on sales this past year, so definitely don't pay full price. I'd wait until you see it at least 40% off. I got a tall xl in this coat, and it's slightly oversized but in a good way - I love that the sleeves are long enough for me to give a little roll! Touches like rolling your sleeves (or a front tuck on your top) make your outfit look more intentional.

The sneakers

These are, by far, my favorite sneakers that I've owned as an adult. My feet just keep getting pickier and pickier in terms of what they find comfortable, and a lot of sneakers end up rubbing my ankles weird or the tongue is uncomfortable. Not these! The whole shoe is like a sock, with a stretchy, soft piece that goes all around your foot and laces on the outside. No tongue! I also love the little leather details, it makes them look slightly elevated over your average sneaker. 

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Sweater and Jeans (similar) - Old Navy / Jacket - J.Crew / Sneakers (more sizes here) - New Balance

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Monday, March 16, 2020

My Best Tips for Working From Home

My WFH outfit from Thursday - Jacket / Similar Blouse / Similar Jeans / Similar Shoes / Bracelet

I've worked from home exclusively for the past two years for my corporate job, and it honestly took a bit of an adjustment period. With so many people being asked to work from home right now thanks to coronavirus, I thought I'd share my top four tips for working from home:

1. Find a routine to start and end your work days

Working from home can very easily take up your whole day if you let it. It's easy to roll out of bed and start working (or just grab your laptop and start working from bed!), but that isn't healthy for you, mentally or physically. Because of Mia, I have to get up and take her to daycare every day before I start working, and it really helps me separate my leisure time from my working time. If you don't have a kid or a pet, figure out a reason to leave the house, whether it's grabbing coffee or just going out for a quick walk. Head out at the end of your day too when your workday is over to help clear your mind.

2. Work where you want, but take video calls in a professional setting 

I get it, you're at home and you work just as well from your couch as you do from a desk. Heck, I'm writing this while reclined on the couch! But, if your job requires taking video calls, head over to an actual table for the call. It just isn't professional to turn on your video camera if you have your laptop balanced on your lap, and it honestly changes my opinions about coworkers if they appear unprofessional over video chat. Let's not even start about the guy who took a call laying in his bed last week (cringe!). While we're on the subject of video chats, try to choose a location that doesn't have a lot of background noise (you know, so not out on your front porch) and that has decent lighting so people can actually see you.

3. Get fully ready for your day before you sit down to work

I certainly hope you're at least brushing your teeth before you start your work from home day, but my recommendation is to fully get ready before sitting down at your laptop. Take a shower, do your hair, put on makeup, and pick out an outfit you'd wear into the office. I spent a good deal of my pregnancy working from home in my pajamas, or thinking I'd wait until my lunch break to shower. It really did affect my workday, and made me feel less focused and less productive. It's all about getting in the right mindset to work from home.

4. Put blocks on your calendar to eat 

People seem to fall into one of two camps when they work from home. Either they snack on basically everything they can find, or they forget to eat. I usually fall into the forgetting to eat club, which is pretty incredible considering how much I like food. I just will get in a zone and want to finish "just one more thing" and then before I know it, it's 3pm and I'm HANGRY. Whether you're trying to control snacking or need a reminder to step away from your desk, put blocks on your calendar for breakfast, lunch, or a coffee break. That way you'll have boundaries as to when you're allowed to eat, or have that time carved out to step away from your computer.

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