Friday, April 3, 2020

Friday Finds

Happy Friday!! This one is especially sweet because I'm taking a mental health day from work. Now, with no daycare it's really a mental health four hour break, but you know, better than nothing! I don't know about y'all, but this whole parenting and working full time thing is hard. There are basically no breaks in the day, and it gets to be a lot. So I'm definitely relishing in my little break today.

I spent the morning with Mia and went for a loooooong walk, and now I'm planning on spending my four hours off laying in bed watching the new season of Nailed It and reading The Blue Bistro, which is my current no-thinking needed read. Anyone else having a hard time concentrating on harder books right now?

I also FINALLY managed to put together a post about Mia's birthday party that was only, you know, a month ago now. I have it scheduled for Monday, so be sure to come back then!!

In case you're in a shopping mood, here are my finds for the week. I actually ordered the jeans from Madewell yesterday, they currently have a ton of their jeans on sale for $75!

one / two / three / four / five

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