Wednesday, October 14, 2020

The Pumpkin Patch

Do you go to a pumpkin patch every year? It isn't something my family did growing up (or at least that I remember doing, but my dad insisted he remembers going on a hayride or two) - we were more of the "grab a pumpkin from the roadside stand and go" kind of family. But since my first niece was born it's something we've made a point of doing every year. I guess that's how traditions are made, am I right?! 

I'm honestly kind of amazed by how cheesy a lot of the big pumpkin patches are (some feel like tourist traps!) but we found one that we love and have been to three times now - Kroll's! It's pretty small, but they have everything I want and need in a pumpkin patch: pumpkins, apple cider donuts, a small petting zoo (where you can tell the animals are treated well), hayrides, and a corn maze. 

We stayed at my parents' house over the weekend for a mini staycation, so we headed over on Saturday morning with my parents and my sister's family. We ate, we didn't get lost in the corn maze, and we touched every pumpkin that was for sale (and then one of us maybe melted down when it was time to stop touching every pumpkin!) - a perfect fall day! 

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