Monday, May 3, 2021

April Budget

I have absolutely no clue what day or month it is ever anymore. All I know over here is that we're quickly marching down to our move out date (this week - eep!) and there's a thousand things to do and the days are just dripping away into nothing. 

I got excited by the couple of days of warm weather and ignored the 25 days of cold weather in April and went all in on summer clothes. Jeff's mom is going to be super confused when I move in this week with 25 summer dresses for seven weeks. Of course, if she doesn't know by now that I'm packing 17 suitcases for our #hotgirlspring at her house, then she might not know me at all. 

Here's what I bought in April: 

LOFT Puff Sleeve Top - originally $44.50, on sale $22.25, used rewards $12.25. The puff on these sleeves is not messing around, but I'm still into it. This is super cute with light wash denim or shorts to transition to warmer weather. The cut is a little small and short so I suggest sizing up for this one. 
J.Crew Tiered Tee Shirt Dress - originally $49.50, on sale $29.70. I bought this in white last summer and loved the easy shape and lightweight fabric - perfect for those hot, hot summer days! The white was a little tricky because every time I wore it I immediately spilled something on it (anyone else with white clothes?! I swear I never spill on other stuff) so I was excited to see a few new colors this year. 
J.Crew Eyelet Shirt Dress - originally $158.00, on sale $94.80, used giftcard $44.80. This reminded me of my favorite white shirt dress that I brought on my honeymoon to Italy SIX YEARS AGO that sadly no longer fits because it turns out you don't stay down at your lowest wedding weight for very long so I basically had to have it. It is two different pieces, a slip and the eyelet dress, and the fit is surprisingly cute and flattering. The sleeves are poofy but not too poofy. I'm all in. 
J.Crew Factory Eyelet Tiered Shirt - originally $69.50, on sale $33.57. I have this weird thing where I'm obsessed with black eyelet fabric. It's like, take summer but make it night time? I don't know. It's wrong and feels right? Nope let's pretend I didn't say that. I'm always worried that tops with a seam right above the bust will fall weird over my chest, but add a cami underneath to make a cute little uniboob and you're good to go. Yes, uniboobs can be good sometimes. Oh god I'm just going to stop here. 

Total Spent: $120.32

God only knows what will happen with my spending in May. Maybe I won't order anything because I'm already embarrassed by how many packages I've sent to my MIL's house? Maybe I'll want to actually SHOP IN STORES because I'll be fully vaccinated and good to go? Maybe I'll forget about how many clothes I own because most of them will be in storage and accidentally purchase a full new wardrobe? Stay tuned! 

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